
JD FitzRoy

Graphic Design, Writing, Films, and coffee

Furious fingers flashing furtive flights of fancy filling fabulous files with phantasmagorical fantasies… before pausing for a cappuccino.

J.D. is an author and filmmaker. He’s been inventing futuristic worlds since childhood. His primary genres include Cyberpunk and Hard SF, but he often experiments with styles creating hybrid works.

Inspired by the works of J.G. Ballard, A.C. Clarke and P.K. Dick, J.D.’s works feature taught

J.D. has completed several books, many shorts and a BA (Hon) at Birkbeck College, London. As filmmaker, he’s worked as producer, cameraman and editor, creating documentaries and promotional films.

This website is dedicated to the writings, musings, films and creative works of J.D. and friends. You may also see occasional logs or tools and tuition for any aspiring writers.

Fiction central. Stories, serials, editing and novel writing.Short films, promo videos and docs.Nonfiction articles, reviews and essays of books and films.
Graphic design projects and art.Toolkits and guides for creative minds.Journal entries and updates.
Merchandise and art projects on sale.



(Published, June 2022)

A collaborative collective of short stories and experimental fiction with my sister, AJ FitzRoy. Stories upon a general theme of capitalism and its effect on people and the world.


(due 2023)

A short space opera novella. Set in a far-future deep space. A indy patrol ship takes on a mission that becomes a dramatic existential thriller.



Currently writing, this initial trilogy focuses on a broad new universe with themes of the unconscious, communication and ultimate evolution of humankind.

Get in touch

James is always available for side collaborations and talks worldwide. If you want to chat about design, books, or film, don’t hesitate in reaching out.
