Writing Challenge | “Nyt Manifold”

In a science fiction narrative, a synth faces intense pressure as it takes on the crucial task of restoring control to a besieged spaceship, grappling with new sensations and a mysterious and special device called a voikit cube.

THE NOVEL, On Finer Details

The author reflects on the writing process for their first novel and advises to focus on the core elements like character dynamics and conflict resolution first. Details like names and structure adjustments can come later.

Dune Imperium Mega Game Box

Gamegenic GAMES’ LAIR 600+ CONVERTIBLE BuyTheSameToken DUNE: IMPERIUM custom tokens Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar Upgrade - Base Game Workers Set AnotherDimensionUK Dune Imperium Resource Tokens (Spice, Water, Solari) DragonShield Jet card sleeves Gamegenic Mini European card sleeves Box also incorporates; > Dune: Imperium, Rise of Ix, Immortality game components > A6 leather-bound journal for notes …

Creating a Board Game

Utilising experience gained from re-designing the Dune: Imperium game-board, I turned to a project I'd considering for well over a year. Scribbling notes and coming up with ideas for a game's core mechanics of the game is one thing, feeling like you have something serious and taking it development is quite something else! In many …


First published book by JD & AJ FitzRoy, a short story collection on the theme of capitalism ranging from motherhood dramas to post apocalypse thrillers.


A short review on Frank Herbert's classic novel of apocryphal events as great houses squabble over a planet rich in vital resources.