THE NOVEL, On Finer Details

The author reflects on the writing process for their first novel and advises to focus on the core elements like character dynamics and conflict resolution first. Details like names and structure adjustments can come later.

Writing Challenge | “Clockwork 1833”

by JD FitzRoy Write a 750 word fragment as if taken from the middle of a bigger story or novel. Historical Fiction. 'It is my pleasure.' 'Indeed, indeed. I must admit, I was surprised to find you so engaged. Especially for someone so... young,' Charles said. Ada followed Charles up whispering stairs, into his study. …

The Little Death

By JD FitzRoy Drained of everything she once was, those doll-like eyes look, but they do not see. She cannot turn from them. She wants it to end. I am deluged by phosphorescence from a quintet of suns. Two bloated orbs kiss the horizon, the others more like bright stars, poised overhead. Squinting, my somnolent …